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The 3M Canada Education Award recognizes the ongoing commitment of the Reprocessing Department Technician to continuing education. 3M believes education is a significant factor in ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care and we are dedicated to supporting the efforts of these individuals to maintain and expand their knowledge throughout their careers. The award is $600.00 to fund the MDRAO recertification course for three MDRAO members who successfully passed their MDRAO recertification exam in the education year of the conference.
The ASP Award of Excellence in Medical Device Reprocessing is to recognize front-line staff working in Medical Device Reprocessing. You must be a Medical Device Reprocessing Technician/Aide to apply.
The MEA Health Isobel Campbell Award is the most prestigious honour bestowed by the Medical Reprocessing Association of Ontario. It is given to the person who is judged to have made a significant contribution to the MDR Profession.
The award of $1,000.oo allows the successful recipient to attend the MDRAO conference and receive an engraved memento. The winner must attend the conference. The MDRAO will cover the registration fee for the conference and one-night hotel accommodation.
This award is given each year to the President of the MDRAO. Dick Flynn, President of Acart Equipment, wanted to encourage MDRAO members to get involved in executive positions and take on the role of President. He felt that this bursary of $1,000.00 would be an incentive to take on the President’s duties knowing there would be this opportunity. This award of $1,000.00 can be used by the President at their discretion.
Honorary Lifetime membership may be bestowed upon an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association as a whole over a period of time.
The Past Presidents of the Association will be bestowed an Honorary Lifetime Membership by the Association at the completion of their term of office. Honorary Lifetime Members status shall be “Associate Member” with no fees required & no voting privileges.
If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario